Sunday, August 23, 2009

Helicopter comercial liscence

I had always two dreams in my life, skydiving and flying helicopters! That was the reason why I started working on my helicopter liscence 2 years ago at Van Nuys Airport in L.A.

No it is time to improof my skills. I wanted to become a comercial helicopter pilot. Here are some shoots! I already have 5 hours on a Jet Ranger and did my first solo on that helicopter

Me and Christian Gruber "Grufti" who is my teacher to accomplish the task!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Life is good

Summer is back in Austria and it is hot like hell! Perfect time to take my Harley and cool down at the lake!!

...funny because I've met Uli Hartinger at the bar on lake Attersee! She started the RB Stratos program back in 2006..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Going home

We've made some very good progress on the Red Bull Stratos program the last couple weeks and now it is time to head home. Austria is calling and I have to work on my helicopter commercial license. " I will be back"

Going to my favorite breakfast place on Main Street

...that's how I like breakfast. Fruit plate, grapefruit juice and of course a big Italian latte

That's my place to hang out and recover from extensive day's of work...the Oceana on Ocean Ave

...Tough call to leave my toy in here in L.A.

... Yep and that one too!! :-(

First Capsule check with Cpt. Joe Kittinger

Joe is explaining the full life support system of our capsule

This is it! Joe " been there done that" Kittinger and me "never been there and not done that- YET!"